Monday, September 05, 2005

Toucan Sam - Beijing Zoo

You should immediately notice that I've been tinkering around with the site layout. I killed most of the sidebar, and made some much needed and well-deserved updates to the links list. Also, I've been working on a portfolio - if you know about such matters, please take a look and let me know if I'm on the right track or how to improve it. Thanks and happy Labor Day!


Blogger David and Ari said...

Don't remember what sort of bird he actually is, so we'll call him a toucan. It was a tough shot in that he was behind glass in an enclosure, but every once in a while he would turn his head so I could catch the light in his eyes.
Taken at 200mm with a wide open aperture.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susan B.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The angle in this picture is just fantastic cause you were able to get it's eyes and is not a very common angle for a bird.
Cheking at your portfolio I have seen some great picture of your's that I haven't had the chance to see before. You have done such a great job Keep going David :)

Blogger Massimo said...

Yea, it looks like a toucan. Definitely an big bill, it gives this bird an air of importance ;-) Seriously, I like the shot, it has a beautiful light, very smooth on the beak, and an excellent composition with the tilted head and the way of seeing both eyes at the same time. That bird is a charming character.


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